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full body massage

includes back legs feet arms and hand abdominal neck and head lasts upto 1 hr costs £15.00


neck and head

includes neck scalp ears and face lasts upto 15mins costs £5.00


arm and hands

includes arms and hands from arm pit to finger tips lasts 10 to 15 mins costs £5.00



includes as it say hands last 5 to 10 mins cost £2.50.



includes back shoulders and buttocks lasts up to 30 mins costs £7.50



includes front and back of legs also the feet lasts 20 mins costs £5.00



includes the abdominal and pectoral muscles lastsupto 20 mins costs £5.00


back and legs ​

includes back shoulders bottocks and front back of legs and feet lasts upto 40 mins costs £12.50


back and arms​

includes back shoulders arms and buttocks lasts up to 35 mins costs £12.50


you can mix and match the treatments just call and ask.

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